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  A crossing unit for a refrigerator

Materials   Cooper-Aluminum
Dimensions   Diameter about 50 mm
Mechanical action   The aluminum tube is compressed around cooper one by the magnetic pressure forces;
thanks to high velocity meeting (about 50 m/s), a cold welding occurs at the place of meeting
Pressure   About 1000 kg/mm2
Productivity   About 360÷720 operations/hour
The operations consequence
  • The tube work-pieces giving (one into other)
  • The tube compressing
The elaboration level
  • Producing of the installations and inductors
  • Technologies elaboration
  • The cold welding of the different metals
  • Ecological purity
  • Energy and resources economy
  • Increase of the mechanical indices
  • Decrease of the manufacture cost
Initial average cost   $ 17000
One operation cost   About $ 0.17
The term of compensation   About 4 months